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Daftar Record, register
Daftarda Record keeper, a registrar, head of the old administrative offices
Dalli Betel nut
Dalan Veranda open hall used as common sitting room, Pesh Dalan, Small veranda before an open hall veranda.
Darn A small coin. The fortieth of a rupee.
Daris Cotton mats
Dastar Headgear
Dastar Khwavi Cloth of dinning
Darwaza Gate, door.
Dar-ul Zarb Mint
Dast band A jewelled band with five or seven panels.
Deccani/Dakhni Pertaining to the Deccan, characteristically
Dhoti Cloth wrapped round the lower part of the body by the Hindus
Dhup A straight sword.
Diwan Prime Minister.
Diwani Office of the Chief Executive Officer of the States or the Prime Minister. Estate under the administration and control of the Diwan.
Diwan Compendium of poems in Persian or Urdu.
Diwan-Khana Drawing room.
Doll Ladies conveyance. Palanquin
Duaspa Two-horse rank of a Mughal mansabdar
Dupatta Mantle
Durbar A royal court, an audience held on Nizam’s birthday, the two Ids, Navroz and on special occasions.
Durbar-i-Arn Public audience.
Durbar-i-Khas Restricted audience
Daftardar Record-keeper, a registrar, head of the old administrative office Dftar-i-Diwani and Daftar-i-Mal.
Daftar-i-Shahi Royal office
Dar-ul-Zarb Mint
Diwan-Khana Drawing-room
Darbar-i-Aam Public audience
Darbar-i-Khas Restricted audience
Darbar A public reception at the court of a ruler.
Dar-ul-Insha The personal office of Nizam Ali Khan Asaf Jah II for correspondence with British Governors, Mughal Emperors and the Marathas, as well as ft)r land grants. Fair copies of orders issued under the seal of the ruler were issued through this office
Daftar-i-Diwani This Daftar (office) used to control the civil and military administration of the four subas of the Deccan, namely, Aurangabad, Berar, Bijapur and Khandesh including Burhanpur. The daftar was under the custody of an old noble Brahmin family of the Deccan, Raja Rayan Arnanat-want Bahadur, known as Sar Daftar or Daftardar. During the premiership of Sir Salar Jung I, when the whole administrative system underwent a change, the executive functions of this daftar were transferred to various new departments, but matters pertaining to the grant ol hand or cash continued to be dealt with through the Daftar-i-Diwani. In 1893 the Nizam’s government assumed control and the Daftar was placed under the Finance portfolio.
Daftar-i-Mal This Daftar used to control the administrative matters of the two subas, Hyderabad and Bidar. It was in the custody of an old and distinguished Kayasth family, Raja Rajman Raja Shivraj Dharam-want Bahadur Asaf Jahi, known as Sar Daftar or Daftardar. In the regime of Sir Salar Jung I, this Daftar, like the Daftar-i-Diwani, confined its functions to supervising the work of issuing sanads regarding various grants and the verification of grants, and attestation of documents. In 1925 the Daftar was merged with the Daftar-i-Diwani and was placed under the Finance portfolio. Three other daftars; the Daftar-i-Manasib, Mawahir and Qanungowi; were also taken from hereditary custody and made over to this department.
Dafar-i-Darul-Insha This Daftar came into existence during the reign of Nawab Mir Nizam Au Khan Asaf Jab II. In the conditions then prevailing, it began to function on the pattern of today’s Foreign and Political Departments. It dealt with correspondence with the Mughal Emperors, the Marathas and the neighbouring States, the Governor-General of India, and the Governors of the presidencies and others. It was instrumental in the negotiations for peace and alliances, etc. In 1938 this Daftar, which was until then under the custody of Mir Suleiman Ali Khan, grandson of Nawab Rasheed-ul-Mulk, was added to the Daftar-i-Diwani as a subsidiary office. Daftar-i-Peshkarj: This Daftar served as the office of Darul-Insha, pertaining to the periods of Raja Chandulal and Raja Ram Baksh, who were Peshkars. It maintained records of all the original drafts and orders, endorsed by these two Peshkars, and these records helped in attesting the sanads issued through the Daftar-i-Diwani and Mal. Maharaja Sir Kishen Pershad Bahadur, Yamin-us-Sultanat, the Peshkar, inherited the custody of this Daftar, and after his death in 1942 it was amalgamated with the Daftar-i-Diwani.
Daftar-i-Mulkj This Daftar formed the Daftar-i-Darul-lnsha of the periods of Nawab Siraj uI Mulk, Nawab Mukhtar-ul-MuJk, and the later prime ministers. It contained the original drafts of the sanads and the orders issued during their respective terms of office. Besides, it dealt with all administrative matters and political relations between the Nizam and the British Government at the time, and preserved the agreements and treaties concluded between the Governments. In 1929 the Atiyat Section of this Daftar was transferred to the Daftar-iD iwani
Daftar--Istifa This Daftar. as its name signifies, performed the special lunction, in accordance with the old procedure of preparing and maintaining duplicates of the orders and sanads issued through the Daftari -Diwani. Military accounts were also preserved in this Daftar. In 1905 this Daftar was transferred to the Daftar-i-Djwanj frurn the custody of Shri Srinivas Rao Jagirdar
Daftar—i—Manasib—o—Khitabat This Daftar maintained records of titles, honours and ranks, etc., conferred on distinguished persons in recognition of their meritorious services by the rulers of the Asafia dynasty. For the general verification of grants, reference was also made to this Daftar in regard to titles, honours, ranks and the names of the grantees, and to determine the period of the grants of the sanads in accordance with the titles, etc.
Daftar-i-Mawahir: It was the custom to make seals of two kinds, one being larger, containing the titles and designation of the office held by the person concerned, while the other was of a smaller size, containing the name and the titles of a person and was affixed on papers in place of signature. The arrangements of such titles and names and the size and script, etc., were governed by an old standing usage and custom, and this was supervised by this Daftar in regard to all seals and badges. The Royal Seal, the seal of the realm, and also seals for all Government officials, title holders, British Residents, Begums of the royal household, nobles, jagirdars and mansabdars were prepared by this Daftar. The seals of all the Government departments and badges were made through the intermediary of this I)aftar.
Daftar-i-Bakhshigir In the past the military administration was divided into and conducted by several Seristas, or minor offices, and the Serista was under the custody of Raja Shivraj Bahadur, but after his death it was transferred to the Nizam-i-Jamiat (Irregular Army Department), but subsequently in 1938 this department was amalgamated with the Daftar-iD iwan i.
Daftar-i-Qanun-Gowi-Wa-Chak-Bandi Formerly, when disputes arose regarding the boundary lines of the villages and lands, the clerk of this Daftar was deputed to proceed to the spot of the dispute and prepare a Chak-nama after inspection of the land in question, indicating therein its area and boundary lines. The record of the Chak-bandi thus prepared has been preserved in this Daftar, and in addition to this, it contains a record of documentary papers, like sale deeds, bestowal deeds, and bonds, which are utilised for verification in matters referred to this Daftar. Besides all these documents and records to which reference is made in the verification procedure of grants, and other archives that bear historical value from time to time were transferred to the Daftar-i-Diwani and Mal from other departments. I)i44ani or Ktialasa Lands: Lands which were under the direct management of the Government and the revenue from which went to the Government Exchequer.
Dargah Tomb of a holy person.
Darogha Superintendent or chief of a department or office.
Dassehra A popular festival in honour of the goddess Durga.
Deshmukh A hereditary officer, exercising revenue authority over a village or villages and responsible for the collection of revenue. He holds in compensation rent-free lands and also gets a fixed sum as Deshmukhi.
Divali A popular festival of the Hindus. the festival of lights, held on the two last days of the dark half of Aswin and the new moon and four tollowing days of Kartik. I)evd: literally threshold hut usually the residence of a nobleman, a dignitary or a ruler.
Diwan Chief Minister
Devd literally threshold hut usually the residence of a nobleman, a dignitary or a ruler.

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